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Replacing 2 Mercury Vapour Bulbs (2× HPL-N 80W) In A Philips HRP11 Fixture
Lamp Replacement // 2x HPLN 80w
Replacing A HPL-N (Mercury Vapour) Bulb and A Ballast
Replacing A 80w Mercury Vapour Bulb In An Old Fixture
Philips SGS203 80W HPL-N lamp replacement
Fixture Start Up| 1× 80w HPL-N and 1× 125W HPL-N Start in A Philips HPP 10
Philips HRP 11 MV/HPL-N 80w start up
Philips HRP10 HPL-N 80W
Philips HPX186 1X HPL-N 80W
Collection #106| Philips HRP10 With Mercury Vapour.
Very Rare And Old Mercury Vapour Bulb!
HPL-N & SON (mercury vapour & coated HPS)